Every student has the right to learn free from intimidation and fear.
Bullying of any kind is not tolerated at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School.
Respect for ourselves and others is central to our core school values, and tackling bullying in school will always be one of our biggest priorities.
In keeping with our Catholic school mission, students are supported in all aspects of their school life at P+P to prevent bullying and its consequences, through:
a coherent structure of sanctions and support to prevent bullying in our school.
a community of mutual respect amongst students, staff, and families
education and awareness raising, as well as the promotion of anti-bullying strategies
quick and effective response and thorough investigation of reported incidents
How to spot signs of bullying
Bullying is more than a falling out between friends, it is an act of aggression, causing embarrassment, pain or discomfort to another.
It can be:
planned and organised, or it may be unintentional.
perpetrated by individuals or by groups of students.
It can take a variety of forms, including...
Physical violence such as hitting, pushing or spitting at another student.
Interfering with another student’s property, by stealing, hiding or damaging it.
Using offensive names/language when addressing another student.
Teasing or spreading rumours about another student or his/her family.
Belittling another student’s abilities and/or achievements.
Writing offensive notes or graffiti about another student. Excluding another student from a group activity.
Ridiculing another student’s appearance, gender, way of speaking or mannerisms.
Misusing technology (internet/social media/ mobile phones) to hurt or humiliate another student.
How to report bullying
All reports of bullying are treated seriously. And reporting bullying is the best way to take action.
If you or someone you know has been involved in an incident, in or outside of school, report it using our Sharp System.
Free and completely CONFIDENTIAL, let us know about any concerns you have about bullying, or anything else worrying you.
You can also refer to our school anti-bullying policy for further guidance:
Take a look at just some of the things we do in school to prevent and address bullying:
Education and awareness raising through our personal development curriculum
Accessible and anonymous 24 hour reporting systems
Support through year group and pastoral care
Participation in national initiatives including Anti-Bullying Week, Odd Sock's Day and Children's Mental Health Week
Peer support through our anti-bullying student leaders
Safeguarding updates circulated via ClassCharts and our school newsletter

Where to find extra support...
There are lots of local and national organisations who can provide information and advice on how to deal with bullying and how to support someone who is being bullied, including parent guides and helplines.
Here a few helpful links you may find useful: