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HOME learning

At Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School we recognise the importance of home learning in student progression. Studies show that students who complete good home learning over Y7-11 make one year’s extra progress.  As a result we expect all our students to produce quality home learning that meets the deadlines set by teachers.

How Is Home learning Set?

Students can login to ClassCharts to view and record their home learning.

This is a fantastic platform which allows teachers to publish home learning and resources to classes of students and allows the students to complete home learning on their home computers, tablets or smartphones. 

Hands Typing

Home learning Timetable

Home learning will appear on ClassCharts at 3.00 pm each Monday and students will have until 8.00 am the following Monday to submit their work in the appropriate way according to their teachers' instructions.

KS3 (Years 7 - 9)

Table of home learning 
KS3 (Years 7-9) Homework timetable.  Week 1, Monday English Geography, Tuesday Maths Spanish, Wednesday Science, Thursday Technology, Friday Independent Revision.

Week 2, Monday English History, Tuesday Maths Re, Wednesday Science, Thursday Expressive Arts, Friday Independent Revision

KS4 (Years 10 and 11) 

Table of home learning 
KS4 (Years 10 & -11) Homework

30 minutes each subject.  Monday English, Tuesday Maths, Wednesday RE and option 1, Thursday Science and Option 2, Friday Option 3 and Independent Study

Home learning is a minimum of 60 minutes per evening


Home learning club is available at break time, lunch and after school in the Wilson Centre.  It provides the students with a calm, quiet environment to complete their home learning pieces as well as providing access to all the resources in the resource centre to help with their work.  With access to computers, books and other resources it is the perfect place for students to progress with their learning.

Microsoft Teams Guides

Microsoft Teams icon

Top tips when using a smart phone

  • Download Microsoft Teams App and use this to access Assignments


  • Download Microsoft Office App, this will allow you to type directly into Assignments.

Designing on a Tablet
Studying at Home

remote learning

To support students working remotely, please refer to the guidance below:

  • Visit to see what work has been set by your class teachers

  • Follow the instructions set by your class teacher and submit the completed work via the website or in person when next in school

  • Platforms such as Sparx Maths, Sparx Science, SparxReader, Seneca and LanguageNut can all be accessed using your school username and password (Office365 school log-in)

  • Encourage students to create flashcards of topics covered in lessons as revision resources for future assessments

  • GCSE students can access past papers via exam board websites as well as work set on ClassCharts

    How to support your child with home learning:

  • Create a quiet space for them to complete their work

  • Encourage them to take regular breaks and drink lots of water

  • Encourage them to avoid distractions such as mobile phones, the TV

  • Use their school timetable to focus on the lessons they study

  • Encourage them to ask for help if needed

  • Give lots of encouragement and praise their work and efforts

Remote learning
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