Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
It is a priority for us to provide our students with a full Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme to ensure that our students are ready and prepared for the future and have had experiences, opportunities and information to help them make choices for future study and work. Employability is the ability to get work and progress in your future career and to realise potential. Learning about and developing employability skills is vital for young people as well as being able to identify the skills you have acquired over the years. Our CEIAG Programme helps our students understand employability and understand how important it is to have the right attitude and work ethic as they progress through education and training.
At Saints Peter and Paul, we believe this a whole school commitment which involves input from all school staff, our students, parent/carers, the business community and employers as well as a whole arrange of education providers – colleges, universities and training providers.
We link our programme to the National Careers Strand Gatsby Benchmarks and review and update our provision through feedback, evaluation and the Compass Audit.
Starting in Year 7 and during each year that students are at school, students will develop their careers and skills awareness through a programme of events and learning both in and outside of school.
Peter Reay - Careers Advice and Guidance Manager
(Monday - Friday)
Tel: 0151 424 2139 X 230 or 07543 693 582
Michelle Edwards and James Rhodes - Team Members
Dan Jones - External College Employer Enterprise Adviser

Hello! My Name is Peter Reay and I’m your Careers Adviser. I can help with:
Career Decisions
Option Choices
Applying to college, apprenticeships, university, voluntary work, part-time jobs, etc.
Any other careers-related matter
You can speak to me in school, e-mail me or ask your form tutor to e-mail me on:
To provide high quality independent careers information, advice and guidance which will help our students emerge from School as well-rounded individuals who are ready for the world of work
We develop strong relationships with local and national employers
To create bespoke packages for each year group to ensure all students are well-informed when making subject and careers decisions from Year 7 to Year 11.
As a school we ensure all our CEIAG provision is planned and implemented in accordance with the national Gatsby Benchmarks, which is a clear framework for organising careers provision at our school.
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:
A stable careers programme
Learning from careers and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each student
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal guidance
Our 'CEIAG Policy document' can be viewed on our 'Policies' page.

As part of our CEAIG programme (careers education, information, advice and guidance) Year 10 students will have the opportunity to embark on a work experience. With many employers increasingly looking for experience as well as academic achievement in candidates, this is a great opportunity for your child to gain this practical knowledge and to develop confidence and key employability skills.
Work experience will run from Monday 30th - Friday 5th July 2025.
Students: If you have no strong career ideas, a good starting point for looking for work placements is to think about family, friends and neighbours and the type of work that they do. Could you do a week's work experience with any of these?
If you need any help finding a work experience placement you can contact our Careers Advisor/CEIAG Co-ordinator Peter Reay in school or on
In addition to actual work experience there are many high-quality online, virtual work experience opportunities that you can sign up for on:
Employers: Saints Peter and Paul especially values the links that we have built with employers over the years and current activities that local employers are actively involved in include:
Year 11 Mock Interviews
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 10 Careers Day talks
If you want to get involved in any of these activities or advertise apprenticeship vacancies, you can contact our Careers Advisor/CEIAG Co-ordinator Peter Reay on:
Tel: 07543 693 582

Definition: A labour market is the place where workers and employees interact with each other. In the labour market, employers compete to hire the best, and the workers compete for the best satisfying job.
Why do I Need Job Market Information?
When pursuing a career, it's important to have realistic expectations of how much you'll be paid, where you'll be based and how competitive it is to find a job in that industry.
Looking at labour market information while you’re still at school can help you narrow down your career options. For example, you might rule out a job because you realise there aren’t many opportunities in your local area, or because you don’t want to work the hours it requires. Alternatively, you might decide to reconsider a career in science, technology or engineering when you find out that STEM graduates can earn 25% more than graduates from other subjects!
In the next five to ten years the job market will change – there will be many more jobs in some industries than others. Labour market information can help you to make sure you have the right skills for the jobs of the future.
Researching the labour market can also help you make decisions if you want to change jobs or move to a new location.
Useful links
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
Every quarter, the CIPD publishes a Labour Market Outlook report, which looks at labour market trends and provides indicators of what might change in the labour market in the future. The report looks at factors such as recruitment, redundancy and employers' pay intentions. This website is particularly useful if you want to find out how 'secure' a career might be:
Local Enterprise Partnership
This website includes information about new employers who might be moving into the area, or companies that are planning to grow and will need to employ new people as a result:
Find an Apprenticeship
Our teachers and support staff, have an important role in supporting the CEIAG programme (careers education, information, advice and guidance) here at Saints Peter and Paul. Staff have an active interest in getting the very best from our students and inspiring them to achieve in whatever they do when they leave our school. Our teachers are keen to promote the variety of careers and opportunities available within their own subject areas.
Teachers can enhance careers activity through their subjects in a variety of ways - such as guest speakers in school, subject-focused careers trips, and employer-led careers lessons, with employers helping to deliver aspects of the curriculum. Opportunities within schemes of work allow for discussion and exploration of skills, careers and pathways all linked to post 16 destinations and beyond. Teachers and staff play a key part in delivering CEIAG through Complementary Studies lessons, supporting key events such as Careers Fairs, taster days at local colleges and universities, STEM events etc, and bespoke programmes for key cohorts. We will strive to make sure students are aware in every subject how various roles, responsibilities, various workplaces and life skills fit into that subject area, alongside the potential career paths that may be derived from exploring a pathway in that subject. Our themed ‘Learning for Life’ days are a key way in which subjects can focus on subject specific support and guidance linked to CEIAG.
Our pastoral staff, equally, play an important role supporting our CEIAG programme. Examples include delivering focused tutorial time, supporting themed assemblies and guest speakers, guiding students through our guided choices (options) process and liaising with the school’s Careers Education team to guide and advise students on an individual basis. Staff also support our students with initiatives such as CV building, applying for college, preparing for interviews and employability, and accessing the school’s careers software platform (delivered via Unifrog). A crucial way staff can support students is by signposting them to our school Careers Adviser (Mr Peter Reay) who is trained to offer additional and personalised information and advice.
We also have excellent support from a plethora of external agencies that can link with staff and subjects to enhance student opportunities and experiences. If teaching staff want to learn more about embedding careers into their lessons, please speak to Mrs Edwards or Mr Rhodes.
Advanced Manufacturing
The Advanced Manufacturing sector is of vital importance to the future prosperity of the UK and the Liverpool City Region. Its continued and future success will be dependent upon the sector’s ability to innovate and deliver world-class performance. Key to this will be a knowledgeable and highly-skilled workforce having the up-to-date skills required by employers. The Advanced Manufacturing sector and sub-sectors includes diverse areas such as: Automotive Manufacture; Aerospace; Pharmaceutical/ Chemical; Food and Drink; Engineering; Machining.
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Construction is vital to delivering the infrastructure and buildings needed for the future inclusive growth of the Liverpool City Region. The sector provides a large variety of job role opportunities and scope for progression.
Sustainable development and the emergence of new technologies and construction techniques will see different roles emerging and the need for current roles to adapt and change accordingly.
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Digital and Creative
The Digital and Creative Sector is at the heart of the Liverpool City Region’s ambitions to be a world-leading creative and digital economy.
The Liverpool City Region benefits from a number of unique digital assets, including the GTT Express transatlantic internet cable, and the STFC Hartree Centre at SciTech Daresbury (in partnership with IBM Research). In addition, we have other world-leading facilities such as Sensor City which lies at the gateway to the Knowledge Quarter (KQ) in Liverpool; KQ brings together the City Region’s key partners to collaborate creatively and support the narrowing the gap between the Liverpool City Region and London and the South East.
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Although having a solid foundation of certified skills and qualifications helps when seeking employment, they’re often not by themselves sufficient to convince an employer that you’re the right person for a job vacancy that they want to fill.
Employability is not just about skills, it’s also about other capabilities, competencies and personal characteristics, such as: Aptitude, Attitude, Behaviour, Resilience and Confidence.
Consequently, work experience placements, voluntary and community work and learning routes such as Traineeships, allow individuals to demonstrate the skills, values and behaviours valued by employers. Employers value timekeeping, reliability, working well with others and an ability to respond well and willingly to tasks that they ask you to perform.
For almost all employers, employees who have a good standard of written and spoken English is seen as a vital characteristic of, and requirement for, their workforce.
A workforce that contains Individuals who possess a good standard of English will clearly boost productivity levels within the economy. However, increasing the standard of English in the workplace will also have wider benefits for individuals and their organisation
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Whether you’re treating poorly patients or conducting life-saving research, working in the health and care sector means you’ll be making a real difference to the lives of others.
As well as doctors, nurses, and other care-giving roles, there are plenty of opportunities for IT specialists, software designers or even dance therapists!
Innovation in business or the workplace is about generating new ideas for products or services – either around what is produced and made, or the way in which the customer accesses or consumes the product or service.
Creative thinking lies at the heart of innovation and helps businesses and organisations to be competitive and successful. Innovation is not just about thinking of new ideas or concepts it is also about applying them and taking them to the market place.
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Innovation in business or the workplace is about generating new ideas for products or services – either around what is produced and made, or the way in which the customer accesses or consumes the product or service.
Creative thinking lies at the heart of innovation and helps businesses and organisations to be competitive and successful. Innovation is not just about thinking of new ideas or concepts it is also about applying them and taking them to the market place.
Low Carbon
The Low Carbon economy is a growth sector and is extremely important to the local economy employing around 37,000 people across 4,500 enterprises. The sector is growing both in terms of the number of jobs being created but also the number of businesses being created and therefore requiring knowledgeable, skilled and motivated people to work for them.
Although the sector encompasses a diverse range of semi-skilled and skilled trades, a large proportion of the jobs being created are in high-value and well-paid professional occupations.
Maritime and Logistics
The Maritime and Logistics sector is a key employment and wealth generating sector for the Liverpool City Region.
A modern and efficient Maritime and Logistics sector is vital to support global supply chains across a wide range of other key sectors in the Liverpool City Region and beyond. This helps ensure that businesses are competitive and are able to access reliable low-cost sourcing of materials and components, and secure effective distribution of their products.
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Mathematical skills are a key requirement in every job although some jobs demand a broader and deeper knowledge of the subject more than others. Mathematics has a broader relevance and application in a number of subjects not least STEM related subjects. Mathematics enables medical staff, researchers, engineers, designers scientists and many other job holders to obtain, analyse and interpret complex data sets and statistics – which in turn can help decisions about policy, products and services.
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Professional and Business Services
The Professional and Business Services (PBS) sector is a major component of the UK economy and a key growth area for the Liverpool City Region.
The sector consists of financial, real estate, legal and insurance activities. In addition, business support functions that include employment agencies, administration, security and rental form a key part of the sector. Within the City Region, there are particular specialisms such as wealth management (Liverpool City Region has the second largest wealth management industry in the UK), and also in business services to the maritime industry.
Technical and Higher Level Skills
Technological changes will alter the demand for skills- in particular the type, nature and location of job opportunities available. Equipping young people with higher-skills and technical skills required for the changing labour market, and in non- routine jobs, will help to ensure that they are more resilient to the potential effects of automation and the impact of digitisation.
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Visitor Economy
The visitor economy is a major driver of economic growth and prosperity in the Liverpool City Region and is worth more than £4.2bn a year to our economy. It provides 52,000 jobs locally. The sector is booming and, as a result of the work to further grow the sector, more opportunities will arise for people to secure jobs and progress in the sector so long as they have the skills required by employers.
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