
In the English department at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic High School we want students to foster a love of English and ensure that all students engage with the subject. Through the beauty and power of words, we will inspire and foster inquisitive minds that look within and beyond the realm of their experiences. We will encourage students to develop the habit and passion for active and lifelong reading. Students will be provided with a range of opportunities to hone their communication skills, allowing them to articulate pertinent views, express themselves and access opportunities for the rest of their lives.
Our key stage 3 English curriculum is broad and challenging. It covers a wide spectrum of skills, texts and themes and does not simply act as an extended key stage four. Instead, it provides a vital opportunity for discussion and allows students the time to revisit knowledge and skills so they can apply these to a range of contexts. We have carefully considered the knowledge and skills needed to be a successful academic as well as a successful citizen. It is a living breathing document that is adapted accordingly to allow access to new concepts and constructs, whilst also allowing opportunities to deepen their knowledge and skills at each stage.
We have adopted a thematic approach at key stage 3 as we believe a conceptual schema allows students to see patterns, appreciate deeper layers of meaning and make connections across literature, language and the media. Themes tell us something about the human condition. They transcend cultures and allow students to engage with the broad idea that reading, and writing helps us to make sense of the world we live in and the experiences we have.
At key stage 4, our text choices continue to be challenging in nature yet also broad in terms of theme, time and context. They cover a range of social issues that allow our students to understand wider concepts involving class, hierarchy and social divide. Both fiction and non-fiction texts are chosen for the English Language GCSE with the needs of our students in mind; many text cover important issues involving discrimination, bias and prejudice. They also provide a rich stimulus for creative/persuasive writing.
We have created an engaging and inspiring curriculum that immerses students in a wide variety of texts from different form, period and genres. We want to develop the quality of classroom discussion and help students make connections between forms, genres and ideas. We have a culturally rich, immersive learning experiences which insist on English being something more profound than preparation for GCSE examination.
Useful Websites
Please visit the Wilson Centre page for more information on reading and research