We believe that students deserve a broad and ambitious History curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, which allows them to understand their place in the world whilst developing tolerance and compassion for their fellow citizens.
We believe that all students deserve the opportunity to access a wealth of historical experience, regardless of circumstance, economic status or ability.
We believe that all students have the ability to achieve, and should be encouraged to do so through an engaging curriculum which is tailored to their needs and experience.
Our curriculum is founded and seeks to promote our core values of respect, compassion and aspiration.
We promote Respect by:
Giving students the opportunity to study local, British and World history
Allowing students to explore and understand other cultures
Using site studies to allow students to explore and value the physical history all around them
Developing an understanding of other people and cultures
Understanding that more than one viewpoint can be both accurate and valid
Fostering a broad and balanced understanding of history, which takes into account more than one viewpoint
We promote Compassion by:
Allowing students to develop and understanding of chronology and explore the challenges of living in different time periods
Developing an understanding of the use and misuse of power, and how it can effect others
Understanding Britain's influence on the wider world, and the wider world's influence on us
Assessing the impact of an event on different groups of people
Evaluating how the actions of an individual or group can affect others
Considering the profound or lasting impact of an action or event
Studying historical events from more than one perspective
Encouraging students to think about local and global events that occurred alongside the periods we are studying
We promote Aspiration by:
Inspiring students through opportunities to learn about remarkable individuals and their achievements
Allowing students to practise a range of historical skills
Broadening horizons by helping students to understand the work around them
Providing for a range of enriching experiences, both in and outside the classroom
Providing a pathway to further study
Giving students the opportunity to develop their historical skills and understanding by undertaking both thematic and depth studies
Supporting literacy by explicitly teaching reading skills and by seeking to close the word gap
Encouraging wider reading by exposing students to range of historical fictions and non-fiction
Encouraging students to question what they see and hear, and to develop critical thinking and evaluative skills
Teaching students to recognise and critically evaluated misinformation, disinformation or propaganda
Developing confidence in discussion and debate
Making history relevant by showing how pas events have shaped today's world.
Useful Websites
1B Germany, 1890–1945: Democracy and dictatorship
Conflict and tension, 1918–1939